Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Meeting

When I posted about our Dam 2 Dam hike over the Fourth of July holiday, I forgot to share a little incident that happened. On the evening when we hiked far up on the bluffs that overlook the Manistee River, we came upon a place known as "Far Away from the Maddening Crowd." Little did we know that an historic event was to happen on that knoll that night.

As I sat there reclined, stirring my lentils and rice over my alcohol cook stove, along came a tiny pink bear named Zamboni, a Keebler elf named Ken, and a voluptuous, beautiful woman named Abigail. Abigail was followed by her family and entourage who carried two hundred loaves of bread, two skins of wine, five dressed sheep, sixty pounds of roasted grain, a hundred cakes of raisins and two hundred cakes of pressed figs.

It had turned out, you see, that I had fallen through a time and space portal and found myself in the Old Testament era land of Carmel and at the meeting if Abigail and David. Fortunately Abigail had arrived before David, so I was not subject to the wrath of a scorned king and his army.

Instead, I watched as David and his knights (no relation to Ken, mind you) rode onto the scene. Ken babbled on with endless commentary as Zamboni road away on one of King David's most prized silver steeds.

David Meeting Abigail by Peter Paul Rubens (circa 1620)
as photoshopped by Andy Mytys
(circa July 2006).


julie said...

hahaha. Definitely a different blog than I'm used to from Siler.

Anonymous said...


It's been a long time. I found your blog but cannot see any pictures. Hi to Julie. I'd love an update...