Bright Idea for a New Year
If you haven't made your New Year's resolution yet, here's a simple one for you. Consider replacing all standard sized light bulbs in your home to compact fluorescents.
I'm suggesting this resolution not to pontificate, but to share with you a time and cost savings trick that Julie and I discovered when we replaced eighteen light bulbs in our home with compact fluorescents more than a year ago. Since then, we have saved about 30% on our electric bill; more than $100 in the first year alone, which more than paid for those light bulbs. I also haven't had to replace a single bulb since then. If statistics hold true, I won't have to do so for another three or four years.
Today's New York Times features an article on how even Wal*Mart is getting into the act of encouraging consumers to make the switch. If Wal*Mart is doing it, you know the bottom line on making the switch has to be the penny pincher.
Here are the reasons why I think my friends and family should make the switch:
* They will save money.The only reason I can think about for not making the switch is aesthetics. But truthfully, after a few days, you won't notice the difference. If you do, spend some of your savings on a new lampshade.
* They will save time.
* They will reduce carbon emissions.
* Even though they have mercury in the bulbs (unlike incandescents), they use and burn less mercury (especially if you live in a state significantly fueled by coal like Michigan).
Julie and I found the bulbs at $1.25 each after scouring about. I'll bet you can do the same. So it took us about $32 to retrofit our whole house (we had to spend a few more bucks for the outside lights, one of which burns all night).
I have been debating a full shopping spree switch of bulbs. BUT my question is would it be better to trash my good old bulbs to upgrade to CF or wait until the old bulbs burn out then upgrade? Normal I would say wait and upgrade but I think CF energy saving may surpass even throwing away good bulbs.
I always have the same question with buying an old used car as opposed to buying a shiny new very fuel efficient or hybrid vehicle.
I read an article at treehugger that said you have to use a ceramic cup at least 45 times to make it energy saving over a paper or foam cup. It also mentioned how foam cups are not hardly as bad now as they were due to the banning of CFCs.
And next time I leave such a big comment I might as well email
If you don't like the color, you can now get the compact fluorescent with appropriate CRI (Color Rendoring Index) to match daylight, or standard Incandescent bulbs. They may be more a litle more expensive, but still have the long life and lower power usage.
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