Passing Time
The posts have gotten pretty infrequent this summer, something I have all the best intentions of rectifying soon.
As you can see, we've been far too busy with important stuff, like flying kites on the beach and growing lettuce.
But in all seriousness, it has been a busy summer with trips to Pictured Rocks and North Carolina. When around home, many weekends have been taken up with either trail work on the North Country Trail or getting caught up at Perkins Garden. June is not a good time for gardeners to go away, as the weeds and the bugs come on with a vengeance around the solstice.But overall, things are going good out at Perkins. While the corn failed and the cucumber beetles are relentless, the peppers will be early, we've never eaten so much of our own lettuce and spinach, and we picked the first two golden bush zuchinnies tonight.
Basil and beans will be coming out of our ears soon, and the sunflowers are sturdy. I have even started planting some fall greens (collards and spinach), and they too are coming up nicely.
More on the garden soon, I promise...
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