Sunday, April 01, 2007

Seed Sowing

As she gets older, Abbey is becoming a bigger and bigger help in the garden.

This afternoon was warm and sunny, but windy. So Abbey helped out by holding onto my seed packets so that they would not blow away. She watched patiently as I planted the smaller seeds.

Today I planted:

  • Johnny's Allstar lettuce mix
  • Johnny's Space spinach
  • Johnny's Nancy butterhead lettuce (pelleted)
  • Johnny's broccoli raab
  • Johnny's Red Russian kale
  • Johnny's Windsor fava beans
When it came to the fava beans, Abbey wanted to help put the beans in the soil. So I hoed the furrows, Abbey helped my coat the beans with inoculant, and she helped me put them into place.

Fava beans are a good seed to plant with kids because they are so big, go in an obvious furrow, and are well spaced.

This afternoon, a few showers rolled in so I stopped planting, but I've got furrows ready to go for two rows of shell peas and my fist sowing of snow peas. If it stops raining, I'll get those in this evening too. The varieties I selected this year are:
  • Johnny's Caseload shell peas
  • Johnny's Snow Green snow peas
Between the rows of peas I'll plant carrots, lettuce and radishes so as to not waste the space. I hope to get to those tomorrow night.

Keeping us company as we planted were these wide-eyed species tulips. These are the same tulips as featured on March 27, just wide-open because of the bright sun.

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