Monday, May 14, 2007

Unique Garden

Here's the most unique garden I've come across in a while. I tripped across the Garden Barge on the WorldChanging website in a link to a New York Times article about the floating garden.

The recycled old barge (there are plenty of those floating around the Hudson River!) has been retrofitted with solar panels, wind turbines, greenhouses and hydroponic growing medium. It's a cornucopia of cool, high-tech ideas that explore the concept of sustainability.

The project is organized by the well connected and well-funded New York Sun Works.

Now I'm not completely sold on all of the gimmicks on the barge truly being sustainable over the long haul, but it's interesting to see boundaries being pushed.

For another, perhaps more realistic, look at sustainable gardening, check out the work of Ecology Action. This might work better for those of us who don't have access to a barge and a million dollars.

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