Thursday, June 15, 2006

Elvis Sighting

A toad named Elvis? Well, that's what happens when you're out hoeing the garden on an 80º evening. You start talking to the animals.

I spotted this guy (gal?) as I was dumping a load of mulch near the squash. He was perched up on one of the squash mounds, looking like "the king" of the hill. Hence the name "Elvis."

In the picture he is with the corn I planted eleven days ago.

He kept me company all evening, and later one of his little friends came and joined us

It's good to see these guys about. They do help eat some of the nasty critters that otherwise would feast on my plants...although they are admittedly equal opportunity feeders, eating the beneficial insects and worms as well. It does, however, say something good about the garden ecology to have a toad or two around.

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